Thank you to DockATot for sponsoring this post! As always all opinions are 100% my own.
I just want to make it clear that I am not a sleep training specialist haha. Not even close! I am just sharing our routine along with some tips! I am two kids deep feel like I have learned quite a bit when it comes to helping your babies sleep.
The number one thing I cannot stress enough when it comes to helping your little one is STAYING CONSISTENT. You cannot be wishy washy or have different days all week long. In my opinion, babies feed off of ROUTINE and CONSISTENCY. The great thing about this is once your babe(s) are used to a routine you can be a bit flexible and it won't be the end of the world. For example, if you go on vacation you don't have to stress if your baby will sleep there or when you get back home.
That's where the DockATot is a must! Noah didn't have one so we made it work with what we had, but I bet life would have been easier if we would have had it. The dock really helps us stay consistent with Siena's sleeping arrangement. The Dock keeps the baby feeling like it is snug and for a baby who likes to be swaddled, or when they start to break out of it this is great! The material is extremely breathable and safe for baby to nap in (supervised). If you plan on traveling with baby this makes sleeping in a hotel or new environment so much easier. I was really interested in a DockATot when I knew we would be traveling from overseas and the from place to place after that. Siena spent time in our bedroom in a pack and play, then in her room in the pack and play and then I finally gave her Noah's crib to sleep in and she transitioned so seamlessly. It has kept her sleeping arrangement consistent which makes our sleep routine no matter where we are so easy! Siena is currently in the deluxe size and that should fit her up until 8 months. I am hoping to eventually upgrade her to the grand size.
DISCLAIMER: DockATot does not recommend the dock in cribs. We are constantly watching Siena and she has a very strong neck. It is a great option for co-sleeping or like I said in a hotel environment in the bed. Check out all the safety info on their website.
I love that the dock can also be a lounger. Tummy time is made easy with the DockATot!
Babies are much smarter than you think and pick up on things super easily. Don't get me wrong, sometimes they can be a total mystery and you will wonder if they'll ever catch on, but I promise they will! I hear stories of little ones sleeping thru the night from a month old or so. Don't let that discourage you if your baby does not do that! Mine for sure don't. Also, are they breastfeeding? Do they take a bottle? There are so many factors to consider and every child is so different.
I highly recommend checking out The Wonder Weeks app for your phone. It helps show when your baby is making developmental leaps that might contribute to sleep. Both my babies went through the 4 month sleep regression and sometimes it was tempting to change things up, or give in to their crazy antics but I stayed consistent with what I wanted to do and I think that really helps when they're over that hump of a regression.
When I bring home a newborn I keep them swaddled tight until they begin to break the swaddle. Noah wasn't a huge fan of being swaddled but Siena was (every baby is different). Siena didn't begin breaking lose from her swaddle until 2-2.5 months old. There are other options if you want to stay consistent with the swaddle. We moved on to a sleep sack. I also love the Ollie World swaddle for below the arms. The dockAtot helps with that "swaddle" feel as well.
They both really like luvies and sleep with one. Siena only sleeps with hers during naps and I did not give it to her until I knew she could move it away from her face or turn her head. Never put things in with your baby when they are very small.
The important thing is finding what helps your baby self soothe. For my babies its the luvie. Siena rarely cries before a nap but she loves to run the luvie on her face or hold it. Noah was the same way. For your babe it may be a pacifier or something else. Whatever it is have that thing available every time they take a nap.
Once my baby moves past the extremely sleepy newborn phase (around 1 month old or so) I start to watch for sleep cues. It is SO important to not let your baby get over tired. If your babe gets over tired and misses the golden window for a nap then it can be really hard to get them to sleep. Siena starts to get fussy and will rub her eyes. She can only handle about 2 hours of wake time between naps. Right now she takes a morning nap, afternoon nap and a cat nap before bed time.
Here is my nap time routine with Siena:
- Once I see sleep cues (usually at 2 hour mark) I change her diaper
- bring her upstairs and put her in her DockATot. She sleeps with one light weight blanket and her luvie.
- I put her white noise on
- either sing to her or wind up her toy that plays "twinkle, twinkle" and I leave. I do not rock her or anything like that. She is so used to our routine that she knows it is nap time and will go to sleep pretty easily. Sometimes she fusses but never for long.
Now, when babies are a newborn I believe in doing WHATEVER works because sleep is so crucial, and you don't want your babe over tired. So if they need to nap in a swing do it, wear you baby, go for rides...whatever and eventually they will get used to sleep and work out a better schedule. Siena used to sleep in the Mamaroo when she was a newborn because she could sleep thru loud noises, but now she rarely uses the swing. She pretty much only naps in her crib and car. If we have to go somewhere in the morning we try to plan around nap time so baby can sleep or we go after she's napped in her crib depending on time so she doesn't get over tired. Some people might think we're crazy for caring so much about when our kids nap or having a routine, but it really does help.
At night I always try to have the same routine (see a theme here haha) so baby knows it's time for bed and they won't be getting up until morning.
With Noah I would give him a bath every night, but that isn't really doable with the two kids. Now we have a pretty set bed time of 8pm (give or take depending on her last nap).
Our routine:
- sometimes bathe, other days we just change diaper. I only change a poopy diaper at night which she never really has (I size up so she doesn't leak)
- put in jammies and sleep sack
- start white noise
- make sure room is dark
- nurse and gently put her into her crib. I would give Noah a bed time bottle but Siena won't take a bottle. This is pretty much the only time I nurse to sleep. She is still so young that I think it's OK. Noah never became dependent on a bottle and learned how to self soothe that when we weaned from the bottle he did fine going to bed.
If Siena wakes at night I pay attention to the kind of cry. She will sometimes go back to sleep pretty quickly if I don't rush in there. When she is legitimately hungry I go in with it still dark and I do NOT talk to her. It's almost like a "dream" feed. She is right back in bed after that feeding.
If she doesn't wake on her own by 8 am then I go in and get her up. I think it's important to have window of when the baby wakes up each morning to keep your routine on track. Since she goes to bed around 8pm getting her up by 8 am is perfect.
Siena wakes up so happy in the morning in her DockATot!
My babies (so far) begin sleeping thru the night after the 4 month regression passes. So if your baby is going thru that, know there is light at the end of the tunnel! Siena was sleeping super well before the regression hit and now she is doing much better! Considering all the big changes she's been thru since being born as far as moving and sleeping in several different places she's done amazing!
Again, this is just what works for our family! I hope a few of these tips might help you with your baby and I can't recommend including a DockAtot in your little ones sleep routine enough! Use this code for $10 off your dockAtot.
Wow, such a great routine! Mine isn't quite sleeping as well yet. But we do love the DocATot!
ReplyDeleteI heard a lot of great things about cute!
ReplyDeleteI so wish I had this when my girls were both little. Would have been a life saver.
ReplyDeleteI seriously need one of these so badly!
ReplyDeleteI really wish I knew about dockatot before my little one was born! :( It looks awesome!
ReplyDeleteMy toddler loves her DockAtot! It gives me high hopes for baby number two!