Maybe you started it for an important event, toning up for Summer, your husband or wife etc. We all have something that makes us START but if you're not continuing for yourself then what is the point? What happens when the wedding is over or winter comes? Do you continue because you feel great or do you go back to old habits?
Are you absolutely miserable during cardio or hating ordering something healthy at a restaurant? If so, then maybe this lifestyle isn't for you and that's ok! Maybe you need to make some adjustments. Maybe you need to train 3 days a week instead of 5. Maybe you need to eat clean 80% of the time. I'm not suggesting that you totally rid yourself of healthy habits however, this lifestyle isn't for everyone so you need to do what will make you happy! If you aren't happy in your own skin then the sacrifices you make need to be WORTH it!
At the end of the day, no one is on this journey but you. So opinions shouldn't matter and you shouldn't be working as hard as you are for someone else. Stop comparing yourself to others! If a figure athlete has time to train twice a day 6 days a week that's great, but if that's not you or your lifestyle then you should stop comparing your results to that person. I am a huge fan of pictures. I have more pics of myself on my phone than anything because I'm constantly comparing myself to MYSELF and not anyone else. Dare to be better than you were yesterday.
Do I want my husband to find me attractive? Yes. Do I want to feel comfortable in my swim suit this summer? Yes. Do I want to show you all that hard work pays off? Yes.
But I do it for ME! I want to feel good about myself for me and no one else. Once you come to this realization it is the most freeing feeling ever! You will no longer have to justify your actions to anyone and most of all there will be no convincing yourself. FREEDOM.
Once you choose healthy and choose happy for yourself then everything will fall into place in all aspects of your life.
So if you took anything from this ramble I hope it is to do this for you, stop comparing yourself and be realistic with your own life!