How far along? 10 weeks 4 days
Weight Gain? I am not sure and honestly I am not stressing about it! I gained a lot with Noah but then I lost it and then some. I am gaging off how my clothes fit and my pants still fit nicely. I feel like I will show sooner than I did with Noah but I am starting off a little smaller so it will be interesting to compare!
Maternity Clothes? Not yet!
Sleep: Feeling tired A LOT of the time so at least 9 hours at night is ideal. I am sleeping well.
Best Moment This Week: Seeing our sweet baby for the first time. Our ultra sound was the 18th and it was so wonderful to see a healthy baby with a strong heartbeat. Always a relief! Another great moment was when I was looking at my pregnancy app with Noah and he kept asking to look at the "bubba" every time I closed the app. I probably showed it to him 5 or 6 times and he would get the biggest smile. It cracked me up because the baby is bright yellow and looks a little bit like an alien right now haha. But then daddy pointed to my belly and said "baby" so noah pointed and said "bubba" and kissed my tummy. It was SO sweet!
Cravings: It changes by the minute. I have been having major cravings! I always want my favorite restaurant's vodka pasta. Some days it's sugar. Sour Patch kids is where it's at. Also cinnamon toast crunch. But I am still eating well and LOVING my super food nutrition during this time. Giving this growing babe and I everything we need.
Symptoms: This pregnancy definitely started differently compared to last time. I wasn't sick at all with Noah and was actually a bottomless starving pit. This time around I started having morning sickness that would come and go throughout the day. It took me time to realize I needed to eat in order to help it. Usually when you feel like that eating is the last thing you want to do but I would wake up and basically run to the kitchen for cereal or toast (the only things that would help) to keep from feeling sick and then it would sometimes come and go throughout the day. Thankfully the nausea has been much better and I am again experiencing a lot of hunger and if I don't eat I get the nausea. I was definitely so thankful that Robbie would be home in the mornings to help me while I felt so awful. Bloat has been a symptom for weeks now. I have been wearing flowy shirts to the gym during this awkward time. I don't care as much now that we've announced it haha.
Looking Forward To: Growing a healthy baby! I am really looking forward to knowing the gender and starting to plan.