I am finally into my 9th month of pregnancy which is so exciting! On so many levels I am ready to be D.O.N.E.
I am getting uncomfortable and sleeping is a challenge some nights. Pregnancy insomnia is for the birds! But seriously, anyone who knows me knows I need my sleep so these last few weeks where I'll get a full nights rest are kind of important.
With as many feelings of wanting to be done and having this sweet new babe in my arms, I have just as many second time mom fears that make me happy I have a few more weeks to keep her in my belly. I mean this is the last few weeks to enjoy it just being Noah and I before little sister arrives so I am trying to soak up this time with him.
I get a little anxiety wondering when I will go into labor. Will it be a convenient time for someone to come watch Noah? Will the people we have asked be available and if not what will be the plan? Will Noah be upset that we are gone? It's probably silly but we don't use child care because we haven't had the need. My husbands schedule allows me to get things done that I need to "kid free" while he is home and then Noah goes to bed early enough that we usually do date nights at home after he's asleep. We don't have family close by so they aren't an option. We have asked some good friends to help out and I know he'll be in good hands no matter what but I am already a little stressed about leaving him.
Another fear is if Noah will be jealous or upset with the baby. He seems very excited for this baby we've been talking about for months but I know he doesn't fully understand it. When she's here and he has to share mommy and daddy will he be as excited? He is a very on the go toddler. He begs to go "bye bye" multiple times a day and loves hands-on play time. I plan on nursing and I remember in those early days that's pretty much what the baby wants to do all day which will leave me kind of unavailable to Noah. It makes me a little sad to think about. I keep him very busy so the last thing I want to is to coop him up. He's not really a sit in front of the TV kind of kid. Thankfully my husband will be home for a few weeks to help with that!
Noah also thinks anything and everything that belongs to the new baby is his to play with. We are trying to explain to him that it is for little sister and he has own car seat or he's too big for her swing which can be a little tough for him to understand. I hope he doesn't get jealous of her having these "toys" that he is too big for.
Will I be able to spend all the one on one time with Siena that I did with Noah? Probably not and that makes me a little sad too. Many days were spent cuddling and napping with my first baby trying to make up for a sleep deprived night we had. This time we will have Noah ready to go and needing us and this babe will have to share our time. And how in the heck will I ever put this babe on a schedule that works with Noah's? I remember by the time I would nurse him, change him and get him ready, get myself ready and go to head out it was time to feed him again...so how will I do this when we have places to be at certain times with Noah but have to bring the baby along?
Fellow mamas, I'd love to know if I am being crazy and irrational or if they're legit fears lol. Also, if you have any advice on how to make this transition any easier as well as how to introduce Noah to his little sister to make the experience a little more exciting are very much welcome!! I keep hearing that the transition from 1 to 2 kids is the hardest so any help is appreciated!
I'm exactly where you'll be at pretty soon with my daughter (2yrs) and son (almost 2 months) and let me tell ya it will be a challenge but worth it because I know they will be the best of friends. Since I'm breastfeeding that's even more of a reason my son is attached to my hip 24/7 so i definitely try to involve her in as much as I can like she'll give him kisses, I assist her in bottle feeding him when I pump, she gives him his pacifier, story time.. etc. There will be times Noah will feel left out and he'll act out on it...it's just one of those inevitable things but hang in there mama, get every moment you can with him because he'll soon learn he'll be sharing y'all. Also it's a teamwork job...when you can't give noah the attention he needs, that's when it's daddy and son time:) hope this helps somewhat. Congrats and many blessings your way!