Guys, this age is just the best. I love it so much! Little Siena's personality is blossoming more and more everyday. She brings so much joy to my days and is becoming Noah's best friend, which is amazing to watch.
Oh man, this girl LOVES food!! She is a true Pisano haha. There is legit nothing she doesn't like. She loves table food as well as purees! She has figured out how to suck on a straw so I give her those little apple sauce pouches from time to time. We even got her a sipee cup to practice with! Both of my kids figured out straws very early, so we didn't use the starter sipee cups. Her cup actually says its for 18M+ but she does well with it.
She has solids each morning about an hour after waking. I do a full container of fruit and some organic oat meal mixed in. Then she has dinner around 6pm. She has 2 containers of food! She sometimes has table food throughout the day if we go to eat and she steals a bite ;)
She of course, still loves to nurse! I haven't tried a bottle lately but she's doing just fine without it. She nurses 4-5 times a day right now including before bed at night. I love the bond we share thru nursing and don't plan on stopping anytime soon!
Siena is a great sleeper these days!! She of course, has her days just like any person does where she might not nap as long or might cry for a bit before bed, or need to be nursed a little longer, BUT the majority of the time she sleeps like a champ!!
She is still using her dock a tot and loves it! She wakes up between 7-7:30 am each morning and has been sleeping ALL night! It's been SO nice!!
She stays awake for about 2 hours and then takes a nap. Our nap routine is just changing her diaper, bringing her upstairs and laying her down, I give her her luvie and blanket and play her lullaby and have her white noise on and leave. I keep her room pretty dark and she typically sleeps about 2 hours in the morning.
Sleeping on the go doesn't happen as often unless we have to. She sleeps best in her crib at home so if we have a full day out or need to run errands I know she probably won't nap well. She take 2 naps a day and is pretty much on the 2,3,4 schedule for wake time.
Robbie works nights now so it works out to where I can get her to bed before he leaves for work and then I have about an hour alone with Noah before he goes to bed.
Siena isn't crawling but boy is she getting all over the house! She scoots and slides all day! She is getting really good at going from laying in any position to sitting up by herself. She wants soo badly to pull up on things and is definitely trying but she can't quite balance so even if she gets herself up she usually falls down.
She is saying "MAMA!" and it's just the best!! Daddy is pretty jelly especially since she is SUCH a mama's girl. I love it SO much. She is my little bestie.
She is teething like crazy but so far doesn't have any teeth. I know they're making their way tho! UPDATE- Literally yesterday she cut her first tooth!! on the bottom! I hope teething continues to go pretty smoothly for her. If I would have posted this update on time she wouldn't have had that tooth to report haha. Noah also got his first tooth at 7 months so she is following in his foot steps in that area.
We got some small giggles out of her the other day but nothing since. She is stingy about that and makes us work for it, but none the less she is SO happy most of the time. I know one day she will laugh a lot and it will be worth the wait!
She is sitting in the cart like a big girl now and it's SO cute! She loves to smile at every passerby and they all love it of course!
- MAMA! haha I am her favorite person right now. Her eyes follow me all day and she cries when I leave the room. She will lunge from daddy's arms to mine and cries for me if she really wants me, even if she's being held by someone else.
- Her big bro! She loves Noah and their relationship becomes sweeter each day! He is getting used to sharing with her and even asks to play with her. He loves to love on her and is always excited to see her.
- Bath time! She is a little fish in the water! She splashes and just smiles the whole time! She is starting to try to pull up in the tub which is a little stressful but I keep a hand on her the whole time.
- Scooting around. She is on the move for sure!!
- She still loves to be worn, which I love too!
There isn't much that little S doesn't like unless she's getting tired then she will be real cranky and you know it! She loves her mama and will express if she really wants me. She's becoming more tolerant of her car seat which is nice!
Oh girlfriend, I love you so!! I love that you want me all day and we have this very special bond. You are truly a gift and a light that shines in every room. You are adored by everyone and are getting more outgoing! I can't wait to share another month with you!
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