My sweet Sawyer boy is 2 months old! This month was sweeter than the last and I just feel so lucky to have this him as our newest member of the family. He truly has the sweetest spirit and is so happy most of the time. I am enjoying watching this boy grow so much. He is truly my little ray of sunshine.
Well, maybe not so little. I went to his 2 month check up on Monday and baby boy is weighing in a whopping 15.4 lbs!! Yep, 97% for weight. I can hardly believe that he is SO big already! His rolls are my favorite!
He's just growing so quickly! He had to get his 2 month immunizations and was not a happy camper! It was heart breaking to not be able to calm him down right away. He didn't even want to nurse so you know he was hurting, but he finally relaxed after I held him with his lion luvie. He loves that thing! Then he nursed for a minute and was asleep for a long nap. I could tell his thighs were pretty sore that night so we gave him one dose of Tylenol and then he was good to go.
He is so adored by his siblings and I am still amazed at how well they have done with a new sibling. I know it would have been much harder if we weren't living close to family and getting so much extra help. I just feel so lucky with how easy it has been. I do have to remind Siena to have soft and gentle hands tho. She can be a little rough at times.
Sawyer is still nursing like an absolute champ! He clearly loves my milk and it seems to be pretty fattening haha. He nurses every 2-3 hours during the day. I was giving him a bottle before bed each night just to keep him in "practice" with it, and he decided one night he wasn't about it. I brought it with us to church the next day hoping he would take it then and he again wasn't interested. He finally drank 1oz of it when he was hungry enough and then refused it until I nursed him. I quit trying at night and was worried he wouldn't sleep as well but it didn't affect sleep at all!
One day I had to leave the house for a few hours and he got hungry enough to take a bottle from Robbie, so I was relieved that in a situation like that he will take it.
I pump every morning after he nurses and I get 4-5 oz out, which is really good for me! I am getting a small stash in the freezer going since he isn't having a bottle at night anymore.
Sawyer is sleeping GREAT at night! He is definitely my best newborn sleeper so far. I swaddle him in the Love to Dream swaddle and he sleeps in his Dock a Tot right next to my bed. We get the "big" kids to bed and then we change, swaddle and I nurse him until he's in a deep sleep. He usually isn't ready to go down until 9:30 or 10 pm but then he does anywhere from 4-7 hours! He generally wakes up again when the sun starts to peek thru so between 5:30-6:30. I pull him into bed with me like the lazy mom I am and nurse him laying down and that gets him to sleep until 8 or 8:30 am.
He naps 4-5 times a day still. I can generally get him down for that first nap on his own pretty easily. He seems to be loving the mamaroo lately but the rest of his naps are more like cat naps and he wants to be held or in the carrier.
I mentioned last month that he had the longest "witching" hour ever. In fact, it was most of the day. He just seemed uncomfortable. I noticed that he would never spit up and it almost sounded like it would come up and back down, making a gurgling noise. I told my pediatrician and she said it could be "silent reflux". We put him on reflux medicine to see if that would help his mood because it wasn't going to hurt anything to try. She said the medicine was totally harmless to babies.
He definitely started to chill out after starting it! His witching hour is pretty much non existent now. He get a little bit cranky before bed time but he seems way happier. I am still a little skeptical if it is reflux but I figure we'll keep giving it to him. There have been a few times we have forgotten to give it to him and he seemed more cranky.
~ His luvie lion! All my kids seem to be luvie kids. Noah has his "baby" that is a giraffe that he has slept with since he was a baby, Siena has her bunny that she loves so much and Sawyer already loves his lion. It calms him down at nap times especially in the car since he seems to hate his car seat.
~ Love To Dream swaddle. He really like this swaddle at night. As soon as we put him in it he calms right down. I like to use it at naps when he won't settle because he flails his arms and legs and won't get into a deep sleep.
~ Being worn. I will wear him in the grocery store if he's awake because other wise he cries in his car seat. I bring the solly baby wrap in my diaper bag and at home we have been using the Lille Baby complete carrier.
~ He is still loving bath time
~ The mamaroo he likes much better this month than last! He likes that motion on highhhh tho haha. and he really likes to chill and sometimes nap in the rock and play
~He is still not a fan of his car seat! Ugh driving with this kid can be so stressful at times when he is screaming his head off so pissed off. Some days he does ok and other it's like the end of his baby world being in it.
~ He has recently decided (around the time he wasn't wanting the bottle) that he doesn't like his pacifier as much anymore. He will sometimes take it when I wear him but for the most part he doesn't want it. Seems to be following suite to my other kids. I did order one other kind to try so I'll keep you posted if he liked that one!
- smile! He smiled so early compared to my other kids and is just such a happy boy!
- 4th of July
- first time going to the movies! We went to see the Incredibles 2 and he did amazing! Much better than his big sis. ha.
- sleeping longer than a 4 hour stretch at night. I am so thankful he sleeps so well at night.
- Play mat! he seems to like it a lot and it is so adorable! I will have to take some better pics of him with it.
Oh Sawyer Harvey, you are my sunshine on a gloomy day. I love how happy you are and the joy you bring to our family!
Looking like such a big boy sitting on the couch! Don't worry, dad was right next to him
Siena's chubby little fingers and Sawyer's chubby little self make me so happy!
He is the perfect combo of both Noah and Siena
Sweet baby doll
He mastered the selfie!
I went a little crazy taking pics of him in this adorable romper! It reminds me of my dad's basketball outfit from the 70's haha.