Wow, another month is here with our sawyer. I feel like I was just snuggling him exhausted and sore in the hospital. Time is a thief I tell you!! They say they are no longer considered a “new born” at 3
months and you guys, it kinda stings a little. Can’t he stay my tiny baby a while longer?? Yeah, yeah I know. He was never very “tiny” but to me he is!
I haven't weighed him this month but he is in 3-6 month clothing and is just the most delicious thing with all his rolls!
His personality blossoms more and more each month and he is just the happiest little guy. He smiles and coos at you and just LOVES attention from anyone. Robbie says I have him spoiled because he kind of does love to be held and even catch a nap (or two) being held, but I can’t help it. I know how fast this season goes and that in a blink of an eye he will be keeping up with Noah and Siena! You can’t really spoil a baby anyways, right??? Right.
He is more than adored by Noah and Siena and sometimes a little overwhelmed by Siena. She likes to get riiiight in his face.
Sawyer started to grasp at things this month. He loves holding my fingers and will hold onto my shirt or his. Siena thinks this is just the best and will try to get him to hold random toys all day long, or he’ll grab onto her when she’s “holding” him and she thinks it’s so funny!
She says his cooing is “talking” and it’s so fun to watch him start to interact with his big bro and sis. For now Noah thinks it’s cool to match his brother so I’ll be doing that for as long as possible ;)
By this point I feel like we have a pretty good routine down for days that we are home all day, and on days that we aren’t he is pretty go with the flow!
If you read last months post then you know we were trying reflux meds that were helping (so we thought) his mood and witching hour(s). Well we got to the bottom of the bottle and forgot a few doses and decided to see what happens if we didn’t give it to him. He is still totally happy and fine, so it may have been coincidence with the time frame we began the meds or he outgrew it. We’ll never really know but I am so happy he doesn’t need meds and they were harmless if he did for the month we used them!
Witching hour is now super manageable and I know he’s just getting tired and fussy but he doesn’t just cry to cry for hours on end like he was around 3 weeks old. Praise the lord! All things seem to be just a season, so remember this mamas when you're in the thick of it! A baby at 2 weeks old is totally different at 2 months old and so on.
Sawyer is drooling like crazy! All my babies start to drool around 3 months old but don’t cut any teeth until later (thankfully). I officially need to get him some bibs! I have lots from when Noah was a baby but they’re in storage until we move :( I’m going to be so sad if sawyer doesn’t get very many hand me downs because of our current living arrangements, but I have saved so much of Noah's things that he is bound to have some of his things at some point :)
He has suddenly gone from never having blow outs to becoming the blow out king. I am constantly rinsing onesies and praying his clothes come out unstained haha. One Sunday we got to church and he had pooped EVERYWHERE and I didn't bring a change of clothes for him...rookie mistake! I had a major mess to clean in the bathroom...I'm talking him, the carseat, was bad! Soy Bean (his new nickname) got to chill in church nakie. No one minded tho! I def need to remember to pack the bag with extra clothes for the future!!
Boy does he love to eat! I mean obviously. His rolls can attest to that! I am still feeding him on demand during the day but it’s pretty much worked itself out to a good schedule!
He eats every 2-3 hours until the evening when he likes to cluster feed starting around 5. If he is having a rough time falling asleep for a nap I don’t mind nursing him to sleep! He’s still so little and since he really isn’t interested in a pacifier (sigh) it works.
He’s had a few bottles this past month most easily given to him by my mother in law. She figured out the perfect position to mimic breast feeding that he seems to like. Obviously if it’s available he likes it straight from the tap ;), but this bottle technique has also helped my husband give him a bottle. I’m relieved that if he’s hungry enough he will give in because I pump every morning, and I get anywhere from 3-6 oz out and it’s making a small freezer stash available!
I have enjoyed nursing him so much. It doesn’t feel like a chore like it sometimes can. I think because I know it will be over in a blink. I tell ya, third babies really make you hold on for dear life!!
Sawyer is sleeping amazing at night!! I am just blown away with his night time sleep and also so happy to be getting some rest at night. Most nights he sleeps better than siena who calls me in for the most ridiculous things at night. It is safe to say I’ll be happy to have her in her own room once we move, but that’s a whole other story.
Anyways, sawyer mostly cat naps during the day unless he decides to stretch his afternoon nap (usually when being held) but he sleeps awesome at night so I can’t complain too much about his naps. It just makes it a bit more difficult to get things done during the day, but wearing him usually solves that problem. His first nap I am still getting him down easily in the mamaroo swing, but he likes the speed all the way up and the white noise on loud! Haha hey, whatever works!!
The rest of his naps are either in the swing, being held, worn or in the car seat.
We have a pretty solid bed time routine and he is usually always ready to be down for the night in his dock a tot between 9:30 &10pm. I have been able to get him down a little earlier a few times but for the most part that’s what he’s doing. I think he’s just used to going down after we get the other kids asleep. The few times I got him down early was when the “bigs” went down early too. Hopefully in the next few months I can flip flop it and get him down before them! But for now it works!
I change him and get him swaddled into his favorite Love to Dream swaddle (he also wears this during most naps during the day). He nurses to sleep and will sleep off and on in my arms until I know he’s ready to be put down. If he wakes and cries I try again but can typically get him down first try. He then sleeps anywhere from 5-7 hours before waking up to nurse!! The last week or so he’s finally stopped pooping at night so I sized up in diapers and just nurse him and lay him right back down.
Sometimes he will wake again in the 6 o’clock hour and then I’ll just pull him into bed with me and nurse him laying down. I can usually sneak out of bed when the other kids get up (if robbie doesn’t get up with them) and he’ll stay sleeping. He wakes up for the day between 7:30&8:30 am. I haven’t shouted from the roof tops that he’s sleeping thru the night because he’s a baby and anything can change, but he legit does most nights! Now say a prayer that it stays that way and we don’t get the 4 month sleep regression next month!
one of his favorite napping spots
A lot of his favs are the same as previous months like his lion luvie, nursing, swaddle, rock and play, mamaroo, being worn, his dock a tot and bath time.
Bath time is a whole new level tho, he full on kicks and splashes and just has a ball!! I love it so much!! He is just so dang joyful! I love bathing him before bed time because it really tires him out and makes it easy to get him down for the night.
He loves his play mat but more specifically the star that lights up! He loves the lights!
He loves flirting with that star!!
We got him a chair a week ago that he really seems to like! I knew he’d be too chubby for the bumbo (ours is in storage anyways) so this is perfect! And it’s nice because when he gets tired of holding his head up he can kind of lean back on the chair.
He is loving to "talk" to anyone who wants to have a conversation with him and it is just the best. He definitely found his voice this month!
He's still not a fan of the car seat! Boo. I was hoping it would get better but so far it’s just looking like he won’t like it. He sometimes does a little better if I keep the cover off for him to look around and see Noah. We got a toy that lights up and plays music that hangs across his car seat for when he’s awake. Noah will push the button and spin the toy to keep him kind of entertained! It’s a work in progress for sure! I think every baby has a quirk and you just have to work with it/deal with it. As you have more kids things just don't seem like that big of a deal.
lots of cooing and starting to “chat” with us
Grasping things and our fingers and he's getting really good at it too!
Drooling like crazy!
First 7+ hour stretch of sleep at night
He had hist first dip in the pool and conitnues to love it! We take him out in the evening which is perfect for the fussier time of the day. The sun is lower so the pool is shaded and he enjoys it so much! His siblings get a kick out of him "swimming" too.
first time in the pool with papa!
Unfortunately, this guy developed his first bought of eczema this month. Siena had it as well but more seasonally in the winter time. Sawyer has dry patches on both knees, arms, belly, side etc. I have finally got it managed with some oil I like. I am excited to try a new ointment on him to see if it helps so stay tuned for that!!
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Sawyer, everyday I fall a little more in love with you. You are are definitely a missing puzzle piece to my heart and I am so thankful for each day that we have with you! Your rolls are perfection and I love every ounce of your chunky body!! SO happy to have another month with you!
someone found his tongue this month!
Those eyes!!
can you even with this drooly stud muffin!
chatting with daddy during swim time
I totally see Siena and Noah in Sawyer but look at how much Sawyer and S look alike at 3 months old!
could you die over this adorable outfit my friend Heidi sent him?!