Baby boy turned one month old on the 14th and it has been the sweetest month. I can't tell you how many times I have kissed those soft cheeks or cuddled him while he snoozed away. I truly felt I took advantage of every day to snuggle, smooch and just stare at him. It's safe to say I am smitten. Pretty sure we ALL are for that matter. His big brother and sister LOVE him and look forward to him waking up every morning. I am lucky to have their daddy get up with the big kids so Sawyer and I can sleep a little extra. The kids run to him and immediately want to hold and kiss him! The transition to 3 has been so great. I know it's because I have help because the few times I was left alone with all 3 was definitely tough. It's hard when I'm nursing and Siena is up to no good...which is constant these days! Or when she wants to be held and cuddled but I'm busy with the baby. I'm constantly reminding myself that she's still only 1. Overall she's doing great with the new baby. Noah loooves having a brother and is praying he has brown eyes so he'll look just like him. Makes my mama heart so happy!
morning cuddles!
At Sawyer's one month check up he was already 11.6lbs and 22.2 inches long! He spent a lot of time growing this month!
Sleep is typical newborn stuff. He napped away most of the day really only waking to nurse. He loves to snooze on me or dad on his tummy, or be worn in the carrier. At around 3 weeks old or so he got better about taking his first nap on his own. I can usually get him down after he's been up for 45 minutes or so. By the third kid I am pretty good about learning sleep cues and when the nap "window" is. He seems to really like being on his tummy, so since I can supervise him and he has a really strong neck he's been taking a morning nap on his tummy. The rest of the day he usually naps in the carrier. At this age I am all about doing whatever needs to be done to make sleep happen. I am not worried about him being in his bed for every nap right now. I am loving our Solly wraps or the Lille baby carrier for when I really need to use my hands to get things done.
He started out sleeping between us in bed in the snuggle me lounger but I am starting to think he might like the dock a tot better! I should try it again and see how he does. We only have a queen sized bed so having the dock or snuggle me in bed with us was a bit of a tight squeeze. My sister gave us her pack and play with the insert to have the bottom raised up (more like a bassinet) and it is right next to my side of the bed. Works so much better! At around 3 weeks old nights got much better. We have a good night time routine in place.
At around 9pm I change his diaper and get him swaddled. He is liking the "Love to Dream" swaddle, then I nurse him and can usually lay him down in the dock a tot until his next feeding. Sometimes I have to hold his paci in if he fusses. He is definitely my best newborn sleeper tho, so I can't complain too much.
He was having a pretty rough witching hour for about 2 weeks or so. He'd be awake and crying off and on from 4-5pm until bedtime. If he wasn't nursing then he was crying. It was rough! We started taking walks as a family and putting him in the carrier around 7pm and that really helped calm him down! It helped all of us because the big kids are their wildest the hour before bed time. We have to wait until it's cool enough to go outside tho because it's SO hot here this time of year.
His arms kill me!
Sawyer looooves to eat. He is a milk machine. It's always nice when week 3 comes and my nipples aren't KILLING me anymore, so nursing can be way more enjoyable! I am so thankful we aren't having any issues with nursing.
He is eating every 2-3 hours during the day and cluster feeds in the evenings. So far he has no problem taking a bottle! I already left him home with dad for a few hours one day, so he tried out taking a bottle. He did great! It is just too hot this time of year to take him out with me all the time.
~Bath time! Well after that initial bath that is. All my babies seem to hate the first bath, but by his second bath he was loving it!
~Sawyer loves being worn in the wrap and carrier. I don't know what I would do without them especially with two other kids to chase after!
~He is my first baby to really take to a pacifier. Siena likes hers ok but it didn't last and Sawyer is liking his way more than she ever did. He seems to like the soothie Paci the best so far!
~Sitting upright or being on his tummy! I think this is one reason why he loves being worn.
~Hanging out with minimal clothing! haha. Sawyer is a HOT body. He gets so sweaty so easily. He spends his time in a onesie or just a diaper most days. Once it started getting really hot here I haven't even uses his footed pajamas at night so he doesn't get too hot in his swaddle.
Nap time, nakie time and skin to skin all in one...
Sawyer hates his car seat. I thought Siena didn't like hers but in comparison to Sawyer, she loved it haha. He screamed the WHOLE way to the doctor one day and that's about a 35 minute drive. Talk about stressful! I'm hoping he'll get over his hate of the seat over time.
hiccups...although so adorable he hates them! Thank goodness for gripe water!
- car ride
- bottle
- bath
- trip to target-totally a milestone, right?!
- Memorial Day
I loved every sleepy minute with you this first month, baby boy!
Sweetest brothers!
I love seeing him wear Noah's old clothes!
First time going to church! Look at those tiny shoes!
First trip to the park!
1 week old trip to the doctor for check up
1 month old check up
sleepy smiles
Noah was so excited they both had on dinosaur jammies that he had to have a picture! I think the first time Noah willingly looked and smiled at the camera! I love them.