My cravings have calmed down, thank goodness, so it has been much easier to eat how I am used to. I have been trying really hard to have my diet where it should be so I am in routine when he arrives. The weight I have gained has been a little surprising though. I was never sick and had a crazy appetite my first trimester so I think that had a lot to do with it. I am not worried tho because I have done everything right as far as staying active so I know in due time I will be back where I started. Everyone is different and with this being my first pregnancy I had nothing to compare to other than other people and that is never a good idea!
I have experienced a few instances with swollen ankles and feet. It's usually on the hot days. I am not used to humidity at all and it makes me swell like crazy! I have been SO thankful that this has been a mild Summer. We've had a lot of rain lately that has kept the temps cool and the swelling down. Another reason why I have been drinking tons of water. That also helps with the swelling!
Lately my biggest complaint has been sore fingers! Some mornings I feel like I have arthritis. The other morning I couldn't grip the door handle. It is a pregnancy symptom tho. Hey, I'll take it over the other things I could be experiencing and it gets better throughout the day.
I love feeling my baby move and groove in my belly! I feel like I am getting to know his personality already. It is the best experience. Pregnancy has been good to me, but I am getting to the place of wanting to be done. I am ready to hold my little guy and reclaim my body as my own. He likes to get comfy in mommy's ribs so I think he'll be like me and like to stretch out when he sleeps. Sleeping hasn't been an issue for me at all. Thankfully I have never had pregnancy insomnia like some of my friends. I occasionally wake up to move him out of my ribs and I usually have to use the bathroom in the middle of the night! So I guess he is getting me ready for middle of the night feedings and diaper changes.
I will be full term this week which means he could come at any time! I hope you enjoyed some of my maternity photos. I had a lot to choose from so there are some of my favorites (I love my bare belly ones). Look forward to my Birth Story post in a few weeks and probably way too many pictures of a very cute baby!
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