She had so many "firsts" this last month! We had her blessing in Arizona which was such a special and emotional day (emotional for me). We loved having all our family together to watch her be blessed. She looked so darling in her dress and bonnet. She wore the same dress my mom and older sisters were blessed in! The whole thing was just so special.
Siena is nursing every 3 hours for the most part. Sister loves to nurse and decided a few weeks ago she does not like the bottle. She was consistently drinking an ounce or two from a bottle before bed time each night, but last month when we were staying at my in laws house she started to refuse it. She would just cry every time I tried to get her to drink from it. I would even try fresh milk in case it was the taste of the milk in that bottle but that didn't help either. My goal with using the bottle was to keep her in practice with the bottle so if I am ever away from her she would take it from someone else. Also I liked the idea of filling her belly a little extra before bed time. She is nursing to sleep at night and it works just fine, but I really liked being able to give Noah a bottle before bed and not having to nurse him so I could pump before I went to I am going to try the bottle again with Siena before bed and see what happens. If not I know she will do OK with just nursing.
Siena is doing great with naps. She typically takes 3-4 naps a day. She wakes up between 7&8 am typically and then is ready to go down an hour and half later. Sometimes she lasts a little longer and sometimes not as long. I follow her sleep cues which includes: yawning, rubbing her eyes and sometimes fussiness.
We lay her in her bed with white noise and she puts herself to sleep. Sometimes she cries but never for long. Of course she has her bad days too when even naps are a bit of a struggle.
She was going down around 8 and being asleep by 9, but lately she's ready to start bedtime at 7. I prefer an early bed time for my kids so I am happy she is starting to want to go down earlier. However, I am fairly certain she is in the 4 month sleep regression because she wakes up several times before 10 pm. Sometimes she'll fall back to sleep on her own and other times I have to nurse her which takes no time at all...definitely a comfort thing to drift her back to sleep.
She wakes up once or twice after she's officially down for the night.
She was consistently going down and only waking up once at night before morning so that's what makes me think she is in the 4 month regression. Noah went through something similar and by 5 months he was a new baby so I know there is light at the end of the tunnel. We want to move her into her room soon and I think that will also help things. Honestly, I am not stressing about sleep. I know it will come and she will do great like her big brother does. I am really trying to just enjoy the baby stages...even the exhaustion!
Siena is starting to drool a lot and loves to naw on her fingers, my knuckle or any toy she can get in her mouth. She is getting so good at holding her toys and picking them up if they're in her lap.
She is beginning to roll over but not all the time because she doesn't love to be on her tummy. I keep trying to record it but she's only done it a few times and I wasn't fast enough ;)
She likes to coo and chat with us especially when she is nawing on something. She is scooting around on her back. We will put her on her play mat and she will do a complete 180! She wears 3-6 month and 6 month clothing.
- Nursing. She is a rockstar eater! She still holds onto my hand when she eats :)
- Her baby nest is still a favorite around here!
- She loves to stand up or sit up and gets mad if she's on her back for too long! I can tell she will be on the move just like her brother was
- Her play mat she got for Christmas. She loves to kick and grab at the toys
- Anything soft. She has a soft blanket she really loves. She has a luvie she likes OK but I am on the hunt for an ultra soft one
- White noise. If she is freaking out that can really help calm her down. Especially in the car seat
- She loves to smile at her daddy from across the room. It is seriously the sweetest thing!
- She is starting to really enjoy bath time!
- She is still loving being worn. Especially when we go out and she is awake I will take her out of the car seat and wear her in the store. If I can't get her to nap in the house then I will put her in the wrap and walk around with her and she usually falls asleep. Wearing her is also my favorite. I love having her so close and giving her head kisses so easily :)
- Siena loves her brother and just getting attention in general! If she's alone in a room for a few minutes (strapped in her swing or bouncer) she will start to whine but the second you come back and start talking to her she lights up and is so happy! She loves being included
- We finally got her Mamaroo back and bouncer and she still loves it. When she is over it tho she tries to sit straight up it haha
- Her car seat. Oy, it seems like she is never going to get used to it. She now arches her back and tries to get out when you initially put her in to strap her in. She ends up sleeping in it because she'll cry herself to sleep in it. It's rare if she's not crying or sleeping in her seat. If we go somewhere and she's awake I typically take her out instead of making her stay in it.
- Being on her back too long. She loves her play mat but only for so long. She wants to be standing, sitting up or held *most of the time.
Oh, girlfriend how we love you so. The months are going by way too fast and I am holding on to every moment for dear life. You often remind me to slow down and take it all in when you need to be nursed and hold on to my hand. I love your sweet spirit and how big you smile! I can't wait to see what this next month brings us, but not so secretly hoping it goes slower this time! Here's to another amazing month with our amazing girl.
What pics sometimes look like! She can't be happy all the time! haha
My little Bestie!
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